With the rise of Tik-Tok and everything social media, it’s no surprise that there are hundreds of skincare trends floating around the internet. Though tempting, let’s face it- our skin is not something to mess with. Thankfully, Dr. Azi is here to put the craziest skincare trends and myths to rest, once and for all.
DIY Lip Filler; Using at-home kits to inject lip filler.
DIY Lip Filler, such as hyaluron pens, pressurize air to force filler into lips as opposed to needles. This method breaks the skin's surface and the filler gel is still implanted beneath the skin… a recipe for disaster with long term consequences! First off, Dr. Azi stresses that people have no idea what they’re injecting. These fillers are not regulated nor have they been studied for safety. Contamination is likely, which can result in lasting complications such as infections that lead to long-term disfigurement, scarring, and pigmentation. Furthermore, improper injection can block blood flow. You need the skill to treat the complications when they happen in order to prevent serious consequences.
Microneedling pigment as semi-permanent make up.
Microneedling pigment is so concerning as the pigment is essentially tattooed into the skin. Again, these pigments are not regulated and the foundations most likely contain preservatives that aren’t meant to penetrate the skin. Such ingredients lead to irritation, sensitization, infection, and even worse- granulomas (hard lumps) as a result of chronic inflammation. Over time, this treatment will end up damaging your natural skin tissue.
MYTH #1:
Using lemon on your skin will brighten your complexion.
Once you’ve stepped out in the sun with lemon on your skin, your skin will burn- resulting in hyperpigmentation and discoloration that lasts for months. Lemon is also highly acidic which can disrupt the skin barrier.
MYTH #2:
You don't need sunscreen indoors.
Dr. Azi tells her patients, “Listen, you have to go outside to make it into my office, you have windows that allow penetration of UVA rays, and you go outside to
MYTH #3:
Pores don’t open and close.
They are open all the time. They can get blocked. Steaming the skin or using warm water can help loosen the debris inside pores, but doesn’t actually open them up. Pore size is genetic and factors such as UV Rays can enlarge them over time- another reason to wear an SPF daily moisturizer. Laser resurfacing or using products such as retinol and salicylic acid aids in tightening collagen, minimizing pores size.
MYTH #4:
Dandruff is caused by dry skin and washing the scalp will make it worse.
Believe it or not, dandruff is due to an overly oily scalp and yeast that builds up on the scalp skin and results in irritation presenting as flakiness. That's why washing the scalp more often, particularly with shampoos that reduce yeast counts actually improves dandruff.
We have organisms that live on our skin that are supposed to be there to help our skin remain balanced and healthy. They are part of our microbiome.These can be good yeast and bacteria, but also mites called Demodex that live inside our pores. In small numbers, they aid in removing dead skin cells but in larger numbers they can cause chronic inflammation and redness, in particular Rosacea. Azelaic10 serum is a lifesaver as Azelaic acid alleviates flare ups.
To learn more skincare trends and myths, check out Dr. Azi's recent podcast episode, "Confessions Of Skin Sins, With Dr. Azi & Nurse Lacie" on More Than A Pretty Face.